Monday, January 30, 2012

A Call to Arms: Star Fleet and future projects.

Mongoose publishing and Amarillo Design Beauru have combined forces to make a Star Fleet Universe based starship combat game.  The rules look great and I am looking forward to getting my federation fleet in the mail sometime soon.   But to whet my appetite a bit, while finishing up the Dreadfleet commission I was able to work in a bit of time between colors to paint the starter box of Klingon ships for a friend.  They were very simple to paint and took really well to some basic drybrushing and washes.

The full fleet box.  Clocking in at about 900 points or so, this force is actually all you might need to jump into this game.  Also, as an interesting side note, because of the lend-lease type program the Klingons and Romulans had going, this fleet box can double as a Romulan fleet as well.

C7 Heavy Battlecruiser

D8 Dreadnought

F5 Frigate

D7 Battlecruiser

The classic D6 Cruiser

Now that Im done with my first commission Ill be getting back to some of my own personal projects.  Next up on the desk is my Angmar Battle Company for the Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game.  A game that Ive been enjoying the heck out of so far.
Angmar is an odd faction, with a healthy amount of varied troops.  The company so far includes an orc shaman, some orc warriors, a pair of wild wargs, a ghostly warrior, and a Warg Chief (Sergent)

After the company I have a Lothlorian army all ready to be painted that I need to try out some test models for.  Also, ill be working on how to actually take some better quality photographs.  There are specific techniques for photographing miniatures well and I want to do some research into that.  The shots I took mostly look good but because of the flash a lot of the detail gets washed out.  I aim to alleviate that.

Until Next Time!

1 comment:

  1. This is me commenting on your blog, nice work sir, i look forward to kickin yer ass Saturday with my Rohirrim.
